I was one of the lucky few who got a couple of passes for the event. The event itself was well organized, the talks that I got to see/ hear were just right on time, entry and exit to the area was well guided by the staff.
I got 2 invites for the event, but Me and my daughter only attended one because she was so tired and sleepy, anyways, the talk was good, o got to ask questions and learned about the CC cream--yes! CC, not BB.. Apparently, its like an upgraded version of the bb cream. I am actually thinking of buying one :)
Honestly, what I like most about the event is... The loot bags! Yay! And please take note that its plural (loot bags) because Julian also got one! :) there were sample products from Garnier, Celeteque, cosmo, women's health, etc..
What I don't like about it is.. The mall is just waaay too far from where we live! Then when we got there, my daughter didn't want to eat anywhere but KFC.. And surprise, surprise! Their KFC was in the food court! We didn't have a seat at first so I had to look around while carrying the tray and my daughter holding my bag because I am afraid she might get kidnapped or something. That's just me being OA! Everything was fine :)
I had fun at the event! Please see our pictures:

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