I enrolled my daughter to Kumon for the Math program. I had been eyeing the program since the day my daughter was born. I am not good in numbers and I've had so many bad experiences in class being embarrassed by many of my teachers. The experience is so bad I felt like I still carry it with me until now. I cringe whenever I remember the day when my algebra or was it calculus teacher called me to answer a question in front of the class and I did not know how to answer and she was like " You don't know that?" and she threw a fit. Of course, you have to understand that the school was traditional and teachers live with the idea that its okay to bitch about students who don't know the answers to "simple" math problems. It made me grew farther from numbers. I closed my mind and heart and promised never to give a pie.
So, as a mother, I always want the best for my child. From the time my daughter was born, I got concerned about the fact that one day, she will ask for my help in solving math problems, and unfortunately, I will not be able to help her. So, I decided that when she's older and able, she will attend Kumon lessons.
I researched a bit about their program and I also attended one of their sessions to fully understand what the program is and what benefits it can give to my daughter.
I learned that Kumon was developed by Toru Kumon. His wife one day asked him to have a look into their son's arithmetic studies because she was not satisfied with the grade he received in one of the tests. Then, Mr. Toru Kumon was able to produce a series of hand written learning materials for his son, Takeshi. The materials helped his son master the calculations and eventually progressed in his math skills. Toru Kumon continued to create materials for his to take on a daily basis. The rest is history.
I am not certain as to when Kumon really started here in the Philippines, but it seems like it has been here for quite sometime now. No doubt that the method has been proven effective as per the testimonials of students and parents and also based on the number of children who enrolled as well as the program's availability in many countries. I decided to enroll my daughter to the Math program. in a few month's time, we noticed some good results.
With Kumon, the method is individualized, meaning that your child will start at the level where they get a perfect score by studying on their own. The worksheets are designed in a way that it helps the student learn by themselves and also learn at their own pace. Every day, your child will have worksheets to accomplish. They also need to go to the center on a scheduled basis. In my daughter's case, she does to the center twice a week and she gets to be guided by a Kumon instructor and she gets to submit her answered worksheets and also get some which are good until her next visit to the center. Inside, they are also taught a routine on where to get their materials and how to begin their sessions with their instructors.
The Journey is not all rainbows and butterflies. There are times when my daughter gets sick and tired of answering the worksheets. She sometimes throws a fit and refuses to answer them. A trick is to make it more fun. While answering, sometimes I count and tell her that within 5 seconds she should be able to answer one item for if not, then she will lose the game. This challenge is also the same with many parents whose child/children attend Kumon.
Hard work and patience paid off this month when my daughter was awarded during the Advanced Students Honor Roll (ASHR). This is an even where they get to awards those who have achieved higher than their school grade levels. She is has been awarded for both Math and Reading (we also enrolled her to Reading about 2 months ago).
My daughter reached the Bronze level 6 months after she enrolled in the Math Program, and about 2 months after she was enrolled to the Reading program |
This was the short presentation of the kids. My daughter was the narrator |
I can say that there are many benefits that Kumon can give to your child. One being that they help them become better in the subjects. Master it before moving to the next level. Also, it build good study habits given that you have to answer the worksheets everyday, or in my daughter's case, sometimes she does some in advance, but sometimes she does some late.
I wish for my daughter to continue with this program. I really think it helped her a lot and I am sure that she find it beneficial when she gets older.
How about you? Do you have any Kumon stories to share? Please let me know and comment below. Questions are also welcome, though you can actually contact them here:
Tel: (02)885-0226